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4 Reasons YOU Could Be Burgled This Christmas
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4 Reasons YOU Could Be Burgled This Christmas

‘Tis the season to be jolly; a time for goodwill between men, however every year in the UK over 700 homes are burgled over the Christmas period, turning the most wonderful time of the year into a nightmare. Here at Assegai Security, we are committed to ensuring this doesn’t happen. Check out our video below before reading our top 4 tips for keeping your home safe this Christmas.

You’re advertising your new valuables

After Christmas, it is likely that a lot of homes will have new and expensive electronic products inside – but this doesn’t mean you should advertise this fact to them so readily. With this in mind, avoid leaving the boxes outside and on show ready for collection by the bin men. If you want to throw them away cut them up first and put the card into opaque bin bags – alternatively take them straight to the tip yourself. As well as avoiding displaying the evidence of your purchases outside the house, you need to make sure you don’t show them off from inside either, so make sure that your present-laden Christmas tree isn’t visible from the street. Either keep the curtains closed or the tree out of site to ensure you don’t attract opportunistic burglars.

You’ve broadcast where you’re going to be

If you’re going away this Christmas, either to stay with relatives or for a festive holiday, the temptation will probably be to tell all of your friends and family about your exciting plans on social media. However, just because you want your best friend, mum and siblings to know all about your trip – do you really want that guy you went to school with who you haven’t spoken to since you were 15? Or for that matter, anyone who just happens to take a look at your profile? We advise saving all the social media holiday boasting until after you’re back. There are other steps you can take too, including investing in lighting timers that can switch them on when it gets dark, or perhaps ask your neighbour to park a car on the drive every now and then.

You don’t have the adequate security in place

The vast majority of burglars are opportunists who will strike when they spot the chance – and as such, they are far less likely to break into your home if there are clear security measures in place. Whether it is a burglar alarm system, security grilles or simply making sure the whole house is shut up tight, it could be enough to dissuade criminals from choosing your property.

You’ve neglected the basics

Of course whatever the time of year, it is essential that you continue to do the basics. Make sure all windows and doors are locked when you leave the house, all valuables are kept out of sight and that sheds and garages are also locked up securely. To find out more about domestic security at Christmas give our experts a call on 03301333300 to find out more.